City of Henderson - EOC
Henderson, NV
5,000 SF
Carpenter Sellers Del Gatto Architects provided design services for the remodel and reconfiguration of the existing 5,000 square-foot data center located in the basement of City Hall in Henderson, Nevada. The space which is the new location for The Emergency Operations Center for the City of Henderson requires a check-in area, a small prep kitchen to accommodate 50 personnel, a Joint Information Center for 10 to 12 workstations, and a Policy Center Conference Room for the Advisory Group. The conference room accommodates seating for 16 people and includes phones, workstations, video conferencing, and web EOC display.
The scope included the design of the data room that houses security camera cabinets, Ham Radio workstation for two positions and additional racks from the current data center. An EOC War Room includes workstations for 40 personnel designed to accommodate the EOC Command and General staff. Each workstation is designed to have its own outlets for computers, phones, and microphones. CSD Architects worked with an audio/visual consultant to design video teleconference, atomic clocks, a large video wall display, CAD/AVL touch screen TV’s, electronic boards, satellite phones, and interconnected audio and video throughout the room as well as video teleconference and Web EOC display in the Policy Center Room. Additionally, a copy room was designed to house copiers, printers, faxes, a GIS Plotter, and wardrobe closets. Security and data requirements are provided by the City of Henderson.